Think Forward.

Thoughts and co-creation 958

Thoughts and co-creation

There is an ancient knowledge that says - "all is mind, the universe is mental". This statement, if we think using a more theistic view, suggests that all things in the universe are a manifestation of a primordial thought, a primeval consciousness. To put it differently, there is a primary intelligence behind creation. As human beings we are part of this universe, this so-called creation. Given this premise, would it be wrong to assume that we could do the same? In other words, couldn't we be co-creators in this all? In my previous writing I discussed how we could use the principles of quantum physics to reshape our reality using our thoughts. Well, if all is mind, for sure we are co-creators! We already engage in co-creations every day. Through our thoughts we change the world when create art, to engineer new technologies, or express novel ideas. Could we take this further? Could we use our minds alone to modify the reality around us? I believe we can. Our minds don't think in words, these are mere abstractions created for communication. Instead, we think in images and mental pictures. For instance, when we feel thirsty, we don't simply think of the word "water" but envision a glass or a bottle. In other words, we use symbols to express our ideas. These symbols can be incredibly powerful in guiding and influencing us at every moment - just look at why companies invest so heavily in their logos and show them as much as they can. In summary, we think using symbols, and the most effective way to access them is through mental imagery or representations. Now, could we leverage these mental pictures and our concentrated will to alter the reality around us? Could our thought, when generated and guided with strong intention, be powerful enough to vibrate particles around us and initiate co-creations? We do that on a daily basis but, often unconsciously. "Know thyself" like some ancients advised, is the first step toward mastering our thoughts and consciously using them to our benefit.

Thoughts and co-creation

There is an ancient knowledge that says - "all is mind, the universe is mental". This statement, if we think using a more theistic view, suggests that all things in the universe are a manifestation of a primordial thought, a primeval consciousness. To put it differently, there is a primary intelligence behind creation. As human beings we are part of this universe, this so-called creation. Given this premise, would it be wrong to assume that we could do the same? In other words, couldn't we be co-creators in this all? In my previous writing I discussed how we could use the principles of quantum physics to reshape our reality using our thoughts. Well, if all is mind, for sure we are co-creators! We already engage in co-creations every day. Through our thoughts we change the world when create art, to engineer new technologies, or express novel ideas. Could we take this further? Could we use our minds alone to modify the reality around us? I believe we can. Our minds don't think in words: these are mere abstractions created for communication. Instead, we think in images and mental pictures. For instance, when we feel thirsty, we don't simply think of the word "water" but envision a glass or a bottle. In other words, we use symbols to express our ideas. These symbols can be incredibly powerful in guiding and influencing us at every moment - just look at why companies invest so heavily in their logos and show them as much as they can. In summary, we think using symbols, and the most effective way to access them is through mental imagery or representations. Now, could we leverage these mental pictures and our concentrated will to alter the reality around us? Could our thought, when generated and guided with strong intention, be powerful enough to vibrate particles around us and initiate co-creations? We do that on a daily basis but, often unconsciously. "Know thyself" like some ancients advised, is the first step toward mastering our thoughts and consciously using them to our benefit.